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Who we are

Welcome to the heart of Impacto Verde:
a team of diverse and committed organizations.

We are a unique space for collective action that is generated from the meeting between the delegation of the European Union in Argentina, Redes Chaco and a group promoting civil society organizations with years of experience working in the North of Argentina composed of: Avina Foundation, ProYugas Foundation, PRONORTE Foundation, Cultural Association for Integral Development (ACDI), Franciscan Civil Association Pata Pila and Gran Chaco Foundation.

Our vision

Build together a sustainable, competitive and equitable future for the North of Argentina, in tune with global trends in sustainable development, through the implementation of concrete, highly innovative and nature-based collaborative solutions.

Learn more about us here:

European Union. It is the financing body of the initiative, bringing together 21 embassies of the Member States and the EU Delegation in Argentina, with the participation of chambers of commerce and representatives of European companies, under the Team Europe Argentina. This team focuses on linking, scaling and mobilizing good practices nationally for the benefit of sustainable development in the region.

Redes Chaco. A cross-border platform of the great American Chaco that has brought together multiple actors from the region for more than 15 years. All members of Impacto Verde promoter group are part of this platform, which stands out for its strong territorial presence, background and its ability to generate dialog processes to build policies, programs and projects of trinational scope.

AVINA Foundation. This Latin American foundation focuses on promoting coordination among leaders of various organizations to promote systemic transformations in key areas such as climate action, democratic models and a fair and regenerative circular economy.

ProYungas Foundation. With more than 20 years of experience in the North of Argentina, it focuses on linking production with nature conservation, promoting environmental innovation and sustainable production.

PRONORTE Foundation. It has been carrying out sustainable development and gender equity programs in the Great American Chaco and the North of Argentina since 2009. It stands out for its capacity for collaborative dialog with governments, companies and social organizations, as well as its capacity to influence public policies.

Cultural Association for Integral Development (ACDI). Founded in 1990, it implements projects aimed at strengthening adaptation to climate change, the environmental restoration of degraded environments and the introduction of practices of sustainable use of natural environments, with a focus on technological innovation.

Gran Chaco Foundation. It focuses on supporting local organizations of small indigenous producers and peasants, promoting socio-environmental sustainability through collaboration and the promotion of climate-smart productive chains.

Franciscan Civil Association Pata Pila. Born in the North of Argentina in 2015, dedicated to designing and implementing solutions for families and indigenous and peasant communities living in poverty, with a focus on food security and access to basic services.

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primer plano de manos con germinación de semillas
primer plano de hojas y de fondo sol brilloso
Our allies

Our network of partners is diverse and solid, involving the productive, social and environmental sector, united by a common commitment: transform the North of Argentina into a sustainable, prosperous and resilient territory.

Small producers of indigenous and peasant communities, medium and large companies, governments, development cooperation agencies and social organizations come together to generate a greener and more prosperous future in the region.

Impacto Verde allies

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Local communities

we promote their involvement in decision-making affecting their territories by supporting their traditional activities

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Collaborative spaces:

we seek the involvement of intersectoral and multiactoral structures, which promote the coordination of efforts and the generation of joint strategies and projects

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we involve the private sector to generate sustainable production practices

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we work together to formulate and implement public policies and regulations

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Civil Society Organizations:

we share good practices and lessons learned, and encourage networking

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International Cooperation Agencies:

fundamental to local development, providing knowledge, financing, technical assistance and political support

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Media and opinion makers:

strategic allies to promote public awareness of the environmental and socio-economic challenges of the region

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Academy and research centers

support our decisions and actions, providing solid evidence and promoting the advancement of knowledge and technology in the region